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Cortefiel in UK

Publicado por Roi Iglesias jueves, 21 de agosto de 2008

Cortefiel desembarca en Reino Unido con sus dos enseñas principales (Cortefiel y Springfield) a través de Debenhams, retailer inglés con una amplia cobertura en el país. Por el momento no podemos generar opiniones fundamentadas sobre esta estrategia de entrada en el mercado inglés, y confirmar si es una buena idea entrar a través de Debenhams o deberían mantener los conceptos que ya están funcionando en España.

Debenhams plc is a retailer with a chain of department stores based in the United Kingdom, and franchised stores in a number of other countries. As of 2008, the company had 10.373 million square feet of retail space,[1] and was voted best UK department store by GMTV. (Wikipedia)
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Cortefiel to launch in UK with Debenhams

Cortefiel to launch in UK with Debenhams

Spanish fashion giant Cortefiel is to make its UK debut with an exclusive deal with Debenhams.

The Spanish group will launch in two concessions in Debenhams next month with its Cortefiel and Springfield labels. The concessions will premier in Debenhams' Oxford Street and Guildford stores.

Springfield is a young fashion brand targeting 16- to 24-year-olds and will offer both a menswear and womenswear collection. Cortefiel will only offer a womenswear collection.

Cortefiel is one of Spain's largest fashion retailers and is now in 48 countries worldwide with about 1,420 points of sale.

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